Location: Brussels, Belgium

Project name: Policy and Outreach Assistant

Hosting organisation:  Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions

Sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation

The project aims to provide an enthusiastic individual with the opportunity to learn and grow in areas like membership engagement, capacity building, communications, and advocacy, promoting student voices in Europe. The volunteer will gain insights into student activism, advocacy, educational policy, and European Institutions, while empowering student unions and fostering European identities. They will contribute to OBESSU’s work, support policy and communication efforts, engage with student activists, and focus on key topics like school democracy, climate, and digital education. OBESSU will provide a tailored learning experience to develop both professional and personal skills.
Also find more information through this link.

ALSO BEFORE APPLYING PLEASE READ THE FULL CALL HERE: https://www.obessu.org/site/assets/files/3392/esc_volunteer_2025.pdf 

Project period – 01/04/2025 to 31/12/2026 (12 month during this period)

Deadline: 09/02/2025

How to apply? – Get an ESC registration number and apply only through this link.
!!Do not apply through the ESC-website!!

How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have an account on European Youth
please watch our instruction videos from this link

All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps

No participation fee! 

Language: English

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements: 

The participant will receive a monthly subsidy of up to 1180 EUR for accommodation, travel, food, and pocket money. OBESSU will assist in finding accommodation in Brussels. Travel costs to and from Brussels will be covered up to 309 EUR, according to the Erasmus+ distance calculator. Health insurance is included, but the volunteer must have a European Health Insurance Card. The volunteer will also have access to language classes via an online learning platform during the volunteering period.

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering: 

✔ good level of English knowledge
✔ Between 18 and 30 years old

✔ willingness to take on new tasks and learn new skills
✔ Likes to work in a team and with children
✔ open minded/flexible/interested

Sending organisation information 

Name of the sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation 

OID number : E10200624

City and country of your sending organisation: Sumgait, Azerbaijan

Person in charge (name and surname): Ramiz Aliyev

E-mail of the person in charge: evs@csyo-az.org