Location: Erzurum, Türkiye



Sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation

Volunteers will work in different areas to help the local community:
1. SİTODED Office Works: The volunteers will help our works. (preparing new projects, finding new partners, translate our webpage, social media activities, teaching their mother tongue to the Turkish youth, plan games about entrepreneurship)
2. Erzurum Technical and Atatürk University: Volunteers will prepare some documents about Youth and Erasmus+, ESC. They will go to our universities and they will meet young people to educate them about these areas.
3. Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies Studies: Volunteers will meet with orphans and prepare activities for and with them.
4. Erzurum Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism: Volunteers will participate in information activities in libraries, museums and historical sites. They will organize cultural and artistic activities at the cultural center and participate in existing ones.
5. Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality: Volunteers will plan and implement activities for disabled people.

Project period – 01/04/2025 to 29/05/2025

Deadline: 01/04/2025

How to apply? – Please get registration number, and apply through this link

How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have an account on European Youth
please watch our instruction videos from this link

All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps

No participation fee! 

Language: English

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements: 

The volunteers will live in an apartment of 120 square meters in the center of Erzurum with our Turkish volunteers. SİTODED office and volunteer’s home are very close. The apartment has 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, living room and a balcony. It is fully equipped with furniture, couches, independent heating system, washing machine as well as internet connection. The organization will cover all the expenses of the house. Each volunteer will receive food and local transportation money at the beginning of every month. Also, volunteers will get pocket money (295 Euro for 59 days).
The travel cost to Erzurum from the volunteers country of residence will be covered according to the distance calculator by the European Union.

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering: 

✔ good level of English knowledge
✔ Between 18 and 30 years old
✔ willingness to take on new tasks and learn new skills
✔ Likes to work in a team and with children
✔ open minded/flexible/interested

Sending organisation information 

Name of the sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation 

OID number : E10200624

City and country of your sending organisation: Sumgait, Azerbaijan

Person in charge (name and surname): Ramiz Aliyev

E-mail of the person in charge: evs@csyo-az.org