Location: Viterbo, Italy
Project name: INCLUSIVIT – EU
Sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
Project will have THREE main kind of activities:
Aimed at promoting disadvantaged people’s rehabilitation, care and/or the integration of people with ‘low contractual capacity’ (i.e.: psychophysical disabilities, drug addicts, minors, emigrants). The special added value of social farming is the possibility for disadvantaged people to being integrated in a living context, where their personal potential may be valued and enhanced.
The daily center is created for people with mental disability (children and adults). Every working day the volunteers have a chance to participate in man kinds of activity: manual art and do-it-yourself activities (make decorations, figures, painting etc.); recycling and kitchen workshop (participating in every step of preparing meals for the group, and getting to know even Italian cuisine better when cooking together)
activity with migrants adults and children in a daily center or houses
Project period – 01/07/2025 to 30/06/2026
Deadline: 30/03/2025
How to apply? – Please get registration number, and apply through this link
How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have an account on European Youth
Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
The accommodation has got all the facilities and comforts; a shared kitchen; double rooms (volunteers accommodated according to gender). Breakfast and other meals will be organized by the volunteers, as well as meals for the free days and holidays, and for this will be given a food allowance each month. Volunteers receive a yearly travel pass for buses which enables them to use COTRAL public bus transportation within the zone.
Travel reimbursement will be happening according to the distance calculator of the ESC.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
✔ good level of English knowledge
✔ Between 18 and 30 years old
✔ willingness to take on new tasks and learn new skills
✔ Likes to work in a team
✔ open minded/flexible/interested
Sending organisation information
Name of the sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
OID number : E10200624
City and country of your sending organisation: Sumgait, Azerbaijan
Person in charge (name and surname): Ramiz Aliyev
E-mail of the person in charge: evs@csyo-az.org