Location: Uherské Hradiště, Czechia.
Project name: Long-term Volunteering projects in Czechia
Hosting organisation: Akropolis
Sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
Purpose of the projects:
Our association holds the Quality label of the European Solidarity Corps and annually hosts several foreign volunteers in the Czech Republic. Volunteers will be engaged in a variety of activities including planning, organizing, running, and evaluating arts and sports programs for children in summer camps; assisting with childcare for toddlers in the creche and nursery; facilitating language conversations in both mother tongue and English; promoting and advertising the center through creating flyers, photo-documentation, and video production; and collaborating with elementary and secondary schools in the Zlin region
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Projects’ period – September 2024 – August 2025 (11 months)
Deadline: 10th August 2024
How to apply?
Please get a registration number, and apply by sending CV and cover letter: evs@csyo-az.org and evs@akropolis-uh.cz
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
a shared flat fully paid by hosting organization. Also a bike is provided. The project covers pocket money and money for food every month. It’s possible to get it in cash or on the bank account. Every volunteer has individual CIGNA insurance for one year. The travel expences will be reimbursed on the basis defined by the European Commission.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
✔Able to be outside for most of the day no matter the weather conditions
✔ Between 18 and 30 years;
✔ Possess good command of English (ability to clearly understand and
communicate with others in English);
✔ Enthusiastic and excited to work with kids
✔ No specific prior knowledge, skills, or experience is required as the necessary ones can be acquired during the project.
✔ Communicative and sociable.
✔ Ideally stay for a year
Sending organisation information
Name of the sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
OID number : E10200624
City and country of your sending organisation: Sumgait, Azerbaijan
Person in charge (name and surname): Ramiz Aliyev
E-mail of the person in charge: evs@csyo-az.org