Long-Term Volunteering Project in Portugal!

Location: Lisboa, Portugal

Project name: ESC vacancy at Speak, Lisbon, Portugal

Hosting organization: SPEAK

Supporting Organisation: Associação Spin

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Purpose of the project: The Association aims to support, promote and encourage among young people, a philosophy of universal humanitarian values based on loyalty, fairness, dignity, justice, and solidarity, working actively to aid multi-disabilities, fight against discrimination, exclusion, and poverty, always rejecting any racial, political or religious commitments, without prejudice to the right of opinion, cooperation, and assistance

Volunteers between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period – A total of 52 week(s) during the period 01/10/2024 to 30/09/2025

Deadline: 15/07/2024

Please get a registration number, and apply through the European Youth Portal (click the link). 

! A CV is required in order to apply for this opportunity.

An application consists of filling out this Google form (click the link) + CV and project ­specific motivation letter and  presentation

! Send the application: esc.speak@a-spin.pt

! A CV is required in order to apply for this opportunity.

! Please check the full call for volunteers and follow the instructions to apply at (click the link). 


  • Travel cost – The two-way travel (from a place of residence to Lisbon and back) will be reimbursed up to the limit given by the distance band of the place of residence, according to ESC rules;
  • Accommodation – The coordinating & hosting organization, Associação Spin, will provide lodging in a flat as close to the office and the city center as possible. If the apartment is located in the city center, the volunteers will spend around 35 minutes to reach the workplace. The volunteers will have to share the room with another volunteer/student/young person (room and connected expenses are paid by Associação Spin). They may also – if so wished by the volunteer – receive a monthly accommodation allowance and be solely responsible for finding and paying for their own accommodation.
  • Food & transportation – A monthly allowance of 210€ will be provided by Associação Spin to cover food expenses and local public transportation.
  • Pocket money – Every month the volunteer will receive 180€ as pocket money.
  • Working hours – The volunteers are expected to spend 30-35 hours a week working. The daily timetable includes time for language learning, lunch, social activities development of own project ideas, etc.
  • Days off – Volunteers are entitled to two days off per week (usually on Saturday and Sunday) as well as 2 extra days of vacation for every month of their voluntary work.


  • Create and facilitate non-formal education language and culture workshops;
  • Prepare their own language and culture sessions with group dynamics and pedagogical materials (with help from the team);
  • Help to improve and develop new pedagogical materials;
  • Help to organize intercultural events with the SPEAK local community;
  • Provide support to the SPEAK community, answering queries and implementing quality control processes.


We are looking for young motivated volunteers aged 18-30, open-minded, eager to learn about new cultures and lifestyles, as well as to participate in the project activities. It is not required to have any particular degree of formal education, but to have a positive and proactive attitude, and show tolerance, flexibility, motivation, and enthusiasm. In this project, initiative and the capacity to work in a team will be highly appreciated. We encourage applications, especially from youngsters who are available to commit to a long-term experience of volunteer work abroad. Priority is given to candidates with fewer opportunities. Any knowledge of Portuguese is a plus, however, it is not a requirement. 

How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have an account on the European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link

All costs are covered by the European Solidarity Corps

No participation fee! 

Language: English

Sending Organization Information 

Name of the sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation 

OID number: E10200624

City and country of your sending organization: Sumgait, Azerbaijan

Person in charge (name and surname): Ramiz Aliyev

E-mail of the person in charge: evs@csyo-az.org