Location: Graz, Austria

Project name: Social media and video volunteer for intercultural projects

Hosting organization: Verein JUKUS

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Purpose of the project: 

Association JUKUS (www.jukus.at) is specialized in supporting youth, culture & sports. For 12 years, JUKUS has contributed to the establishment of intercultural and socio-cultural activities in the area of Graz & Styria. Our idea: living together of different cultural identities is not a contradiction, we want to emphasize the positive aspects of a diverse society. Our goal is to raise public awareness for collectiveness and common interests. Our activities are focused on equal-treatment and non-discrimination. We look for a volunteer who supports our culture and media projects, related to migration and integration. Therefore, interest in these topics and some knowledge of social media, photography, and video-making is an asset. Also, a volunteer can support us in events, library and office management.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period  – 01/10/2023 to 30/09/2024

Deadline: 20/08/2023

How to apply? – Please get registration number and apply through European Youth Portal (click the link)

How to get a registration number? – if you don’t have account on European Youth Porta, please watch our instruction videos from this Link

All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps

No participation fee! 

Language: English

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:

JUKUS will provide a volunteer with a room at the student’s dormitory. There is the opportunity either to use a provided bicycle to reach the organization or to use public transportation (ticket provided). The locations are reachable by bus or tram. Food allowance is €270/month, pocket money €180/month.

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering: 

APPLY by filling a form here: https://formfaca.de/sm/v18FHIq97 | Please add CV and Cover letter on the form (if it doesn’t work, send it to esc@logo.at) | Applications on the system are not considered | Info: www.logo.at/hosting | Profile: open, communicative, proactive and self-organized person, eager to work in a team; interested in media, culture and social work; experienced with design, video making, office suite and social media platforms; some knowledge of intercultural work is welcome; motivated to learn German.