Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Project name: EUROMIJA 5 (A)
Hosting organization: RNV
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Purpose of the project: The Volunteers will be involved in a range of activities: writing articles in English or translating in Croatian for the Portal ROMI.HR, Schools workshops, Street actions, Counter hate-speech activities, Field activities, Photo and video editing, graphic design and SMM, and Individual projects. Activities will be focused on Roma Minority and other related issues including Human and Minority Rights, Citizenship and Democratic participation, Public information, and raising awareness about Ethnic Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality. The Volunteers will be actively involved, according to their interests, in our other activities. They will work independently and as a Team. EUROMIJA Program’s main objective is to support Roma inclusion in Croatia. Specific objectives are to promote and protect Human and Minority Rights and raise awareness in society.
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Project period – 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2024 (12 months)
Deadline: 15/07/2023
How to apply? – Please get registration number, and apply through European Youth Portal (click the link)
How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have an account on European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food, and transport arrangements:
The accommodation will be organized in the new and functional space, with all required amenities including central heating and internet. Accommodation includes bed linen and towels, washing machine, iron… The space includes a kitchen equipped for preparing and storing food. Nearby there are shops where you can buy freshly prepared meals and the possibility of numerous meal deliveries. The Volunteer will receive a monthly Food Allowance. The RNV will cover the cost of local transport (monthly ticket) and the ESC-approved amount for the cost of arriving at and leaving from Zagreb.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
We are looking for Volunteers that are open-minded and have a strong sense of Solidarity and Equality. They should be highly motivated to reach long-term goals through small steps and have an interest in Minority and Human Rights. A strong interest in NGO activism would be an advantage, as well as the ability to speak English and express themselves in writing. They should be motivated to work in an international team and to learn and adapt. RNV is welcoming candidates without regard to their ethnic, religious, gender, or political affiliation and young people with fewer opportunities.