Long-term volunteering project in Fınland
Location: Fınland
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Number of volunteers: 2 volunteers for each project between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
1) Hosting Organization: Myllylähde Community
18/08/2023 to 17/08/2024 (12 months)
Volunteer’s profile
It is important that the volunteer is motivated to live in the countryside and is interested in working with people with special needs. Interest in a communal way of living and nature is also helpful. For more information and application link
Deadline: Apply on 3rd April 2023 at the latest
2) Hosting Organization: Lehtimäki Special Folk High School
18/08/2023 to 18/06/2024 (10 months)
Volunteer’s profile
It is important that the volunteer is motivated to work with people with special needs and has good social skills and an open attitude. The voluntary workplace is especially looking for volunteers with knowledge on horseback riding and stable work, as well as volunteers with a musical background. It is important that the volunteer is prepared to carry out different kinds of tasks and to live in a small village in the countryside. For more information and application link
Deadline: Apply on 3rd April 2023 at the latest
3) Hosting Organization:Tapola Camphill Village Community
16/08/2023 to 15/08/2024 (12 months)
Volunteer’s profile
Previous experience is not asked for, but a willingness to do what is needed and enthusiasm to learn are essential. A one-year commitment is appreciated, since learning the language, and getting familiar with the residents, community life and the Finnish culture may take some time. Motivation to live in a countryside community and meet everyone as an individual is important. Basic knowledge of housework such as cleaning, cooking, and taking care of other people is appreciated. Tapola offers opportunities where the volunteers are free to create something new and bring in their own skills and abilities (music, sports, hobby groups, events). For more information and application link.
Deadline: Apply on 3rd April 2023 at the latest
4) Hosting Organization:Aitoo Vocational College
18/08/2023 to 17/06/2024 (10 months)
Volunteer’s profile
We hope that the volunteer is interested in working with young people (with special needs). The volunteer needs to have an open-minded attitude towards differences and be flexible, towards changes in the planned daily routines, for example. When selecting the volunteer, priority will be given to candidates with fewer opportunities.For more information and application link.
Deadline: Apply on 3rd April 2023 at the latest
5) Hosting Organization:Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland office
01/09/2023 to 31/08/2024 (12 months)
Volunteers Profile
This volunteering project is suited for someone who is interested in communication work (especially social media and video communication) and would like to know more about international volunteering and working in an international NGO. We are looking for someone with responsible approach to work and good organizational skills, as well as good teamwork and communication skills. Fluent English skills are useful in this volunteer work position. We expect that the participant takes own initiative, is eager to learn and use their skills, and brings forward new ideas. For more information and application link.
Deadline: Apply on 3rd April 2023 at the latest
How to apply?
By clicking on the link of the project you are interested in, you can get detailed information about the project and see where to apply for the project.
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
All expenses are covered by the European Solidarity Corps. You can find detailed payment information of all projects from the link of the project you are interested in.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
- Being over 18
- Good English
- Willing to work with disabled, children and the elderly.
Sending organisation information
Name of the sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
OID number: E10200624
City and country of your sending organization: Sumgait, Azerbaijan