Location: Ankara, Turkey
Project name: Volunteering Project R1
Hosting organisation: System And Generation Association
Sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
Purpose of the project:
In the frame of our project, the activities are targeted 2030 European Union Youth targets. So, the volunteer will be enrolled on activities related to green, digitalization and inclusion topics. For this project, we already completed it for the volunteering team. If you want to apply, please consider long-term volunteers in Turkiye.
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Project period – 15/09/2022 to 08/07/2023 (10 months)
Deadline: No application deadline (the ones applying first and being considered satisfactory will be chosen).
How to apply? – Please get registration number, apply through the European Youth Portal.
How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have account on European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
S&G provides accommodation in Volunteer houses that it has. Our Volunteer houses are located in the city centre and so close to our offices. In these houses, each room is shared by two or three volunteers. All furniture and the kitchen are also commonly shared. For food, we provide food money to our volunteers each month besides the volunteer allowance. Transport arrangements: S&G provides mentorship according to Erasmus+ rules to the volunteers before they arrive.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
We would like to see volunteers who are highly motivated, open to getting to know a new culture, living in a shared home, and who are aware of the fact that this project is a non-formal education program, as participants in our project.
Sending organisation information
Name of the sending organisation: “Common Sense” Youth Organisation
OID number : E10200624
City and country of your sending organisation: Sumgait, Azerbaijan
Person in charge (name and surname): Ramiz Aliyev
E-mail of the person in charge: evs@csyo-az.org