Location: Villages around the Budapest, Hungary
Project name: Saving the planet is not lonely fight
Hosting organization: Szatyor Association
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Purpose of the project:
Our Partnership’s projects are in 5 different locations in Hungary offering volunteer opportunities in both urban and rural settlements, for 6 or 12 months.
All locations are connected to ecological living aiming to find solutions to a more sustainable future both on individual and community level. Here you have the opportunity to join, experience green living, share your eco-self and be part of the change that will make our future cleaner, more fair and ecologically conscious!
Szatyor ETYEK:
Eco-community in NYIM:
Hideghegy eco-community:
Fülemüle ETYEK:
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Projects period: 6-12 months
Deadline: Please apply as soon as possible
How to apply? – Please read carefully all of the projects’ descriptions and fill in the Application Form
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
You will be volunteering 30 hours per week, sometimes weekends are included. Hungarian language support is provided.
Accommodation: In a shared house, 2 volunteers per room, big living room and shared kitchen and bathrooms. The house has a garden that provides delicious and organic veggies for the volunteers who also take part in growing them. The cost of the rent and utilities are covered by the hosting organization.
Transportation: In the village, we provide bikes for volunteers for easier transport. In the case of transportation to Budapest, if it is related to volunteer activities, the organization covers, in other cases volunteers need to cover.
Allowances: 150 EUR pocket money and 150 EUR food allowance per month.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
We are open to applications from everyone who likes or would like to try a village and natural lifestyle. We appreciate the interest in ecologically conscious life and willingness to learn more about it and put it in practice. Also to be ready for some gardening and outdoor light physical work. Basic level of English (and willingness to improve) is necessary, also openness to work in teams, being respectful and tolerant towards other cultures and attitudes.