Location: Erfurt, Germany
Project name: Community Goes Europe 3: Together We Are Stronger
Hosting organization: CGE Erfurt e.V.
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Purpose of the project: We run European and global projects with young people, universities, NGOs and local communities, this ESK placement is an opportunity to observe and engage within a complex and rewarding international project management environment. Young Europeans especially need to learn how to identify and empathise with one another. One of the ways to do it is to experience life in a different community while doing voluntary service. Therefore, in order to drive community cohesion, which will ensure stability and peace in Europe, CGE Erfurt e.V. has developed “Community Goes Europe 3: Together We Are Stronger”. Four volunteers will be placed in Erfurt, Germany in CGE Erfurt e.V. and by supporting the organisation will acquire the skills and competences needed for their own personal and professional development at the beginning of their careers, with concrete opportunities to engage in practical project management, administration, and community engagement.
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Project period – 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2022 (1 year during this period)
Deadline: 1st November 2021
How to apply? – Please get a registration number, and apply through the European Youth Portal (click the link).
How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have account on European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
The volunteers will be accommodated in a comfortable, fully equipped shared-flat, 10 min walking distances from the office. The food allowance is given to the volunteers every month, based on the Erasmus+ regulations. The volunteers will be provided with the bikes to travel around the city. Both flat and the office are centre-located, so it is also possible to reach everything by foot.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
CGE is ready to welcome young motivated people, who have interest/experience in the following areas: – Project Management – CSO Administration – ICT competence; – Digital education of young people; – Project development; – Community outreach – Intercultural work It is a bonus to know: – how to code (at least basics of JavaScript, PHP, Python etc.) – how to design a website (WordPress, HTML, Elementor) – how to create a mobile application (iOS, Android)