Location: Kolding, Denmark
Project name: Inspiring active youth participation
Hosting organization: Ungdomsskolen Kolding, Kolding Kommune
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Purpose of the project: We are looking for 2 volunteers, who are active and motivated to create small projects in different fields together with the youngsters. You will work together with two or three employees; Therefore, you will be part of the planning, hosting and evaluation of projects. We expect from you to be energetic and have the willingness to challenge yourself, and contribute to our organization with your ideas. Different clubs target different age groups and cultural environments. Some clubs are located inside the schools while some others are into living areas. You will mainly work with kids from 10 – 13 years old and youngsters from 13 – 18 years old. We create non-formal classes that allow youngsters to develop themselves educationally, professionally, personally, and socially.These are courses and classes teaching languages, sports, music, dancing, styling, creative courses, and much more. Tasks for the volunteer: -Visiting clubs -Collecting and analyzing information in practice
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Project period – 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2022 (1 year)
Deadline: 1st August 2021
How to apply? – – Please get registration number, and apply through European Youth Portal (click the link)
How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have account on European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link
All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
The volunteer will have their own room in a shared apartment with two other volunteers at the project. Food is provided. For the local mobility, the volunteer will be provided with the tickets for local public transport and bicycle. Travel costs and visas will be covered.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
Responsible, independent – sometimes you will do work on your own, you will need a good level of English, must be interested and motivated working with children and youngsters. flexible, tolerant, ready to take some initiative, able to live and coop with others. Willing to live in Denmark, learn the language a little bit, to experience the local life, culture, and climate. Willing to share your culture and knowledge.