Location: Wola, Katowice, Poland

Project name: Empowering regions through volunteering

Hosting organization:  Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Proposed activities: Promotion, development and dissemination entrepreneurial attitudes:

1) Creation together with the organization and carrying out Entrepreneurial Point

2) Dissemination and promotion volunteering

3) Promote entrepreneurial attitudes

4) Promotion, development and dissemination of active social and professional integration through the exchange of good practices from volunteer’s home country

5) PR and promotion activities

6) teaching English and your native language to local inhabitants.

7) Office work

Promotion of European Union and European Solidarity Corps  Programme.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period – 02/06/2021- 12/11/2021 (5 months, possibility to extend up to 6 months)

Deadline: 9th May 2021

How to apply? – Please fill the Application Form (click the link) in english and send it with your CV to Natalia Germanek: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu. In the email title please write: “Volunteering – a power of solidarity“.

Before applying for this volunteering project, please get registration number, and apply through European Youth Portal (click the link)

How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have account on European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link

All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps

No participation fee! 

Language: English

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:

The coordinating and receiving organizations will provide accommodation for each participant in a flat shared by two people of the same sex. The flat includes a kitchen, a bathroom and two rooms. The volunteer will have his/her own room. Everything needed can be found in each flat. Special needs of the participants will be taken into account. An amount of 100 EUR and a pocket money of 120 EUR will be given at the beginning of each month to each participant.

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:

1 young person in age 18-30 years old. The project participant should be active, flexible, motivated, creative and are interested in active participation and self-involvement. We are open to any person who wants to put him\herself out there, who is ready to face new challenges and gain new skills, by leaving an unforgettable experience abroad. The profile of the volunteer shall have the following characteristics:

– Keen interest in the contents of the project;

– Real motivation for the experience;

– Willingness to live and work in a small town – the awareness that activities will take place in the countryside, not in a big city, so the specifics will also be different;

– readiness to work for a scheduled period of 5-6 months

– interest in working with children, youth and the elderly, because these are the target groups for which the FRSP organize various events or workshops;

– interest in the entrepreneurship activities implementation;

– openness to travel because, as part of activities at FRSP, volunteer will carry out activities also in our partner institutions locations in Silesia region;

– willingness to learn about Silesian and Polish culture and traditions, but also readiness to share their culture;

– the high level of interpersonal communication, activities within the project focus on working with people – the volunteer must be open to contacts;

– initiative and creativity – we want to develop our offer, so any additional skills of volunteers will be welcome, creativity in work in culture and in NGOs is necessary;

– previous experience in various cultural and social activities will be welcome but not obligatory.