Location: Craiova, Romania

Project name: Autism new challenges in ANCAAR

Hosting organization: ANCAAR

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Purpose of the project: The purpose of our project is to integrate young people with austere spectrum disorder in the community, by developing on the one hand their social skills and autonomy, and on the other hand by informing and sensitizing the community about the obstacles and discrimination that come with them, which these people but also their families face. This project was born due to the need of children with the autism spectrum who participate much less often in social activities compared to the typical ones. There is also a need to inform and raise awareness in the community about the obstacles and discrimination of people with autism spectrum disorders.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period – 01/04/2021 to 31/01/2022 (10 months)

Deadline: 20th March 2021

How to apply? – Please get registration number, and apply through European Youth Portal (click the link)

How to get a registration number? – If you don’t have account on European Youth Portal, please watch our instruction videos from this Link

All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps

No participation fee! 

Language: Basic English

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements: 

The volunteers will be accommodated in apartments with bathrooms and shared kitchen. The rooms will be equipped with internet and extra facilities. Each room will be for 2 volunteers, divided by gender The volunteers will receive a monthly food allowance of 150 euros and 90 euros as pocket money, at the end of each month. Local transportation: a monthly local travel bus pass will be provided for each volunteer. International transportation will be reimbursed based on the distance band calculator of EU (https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmusplus/resources/distance-calculator_en )

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:

The profile of the volunteers targeted in the project will be centered on young people between the ages of 18 and 30, coming from Eu and nonEu countries, speakers of English at least basic communication level, determined to develop volunteering activities related with young people and their perspectives in an European Community. Hosted volunteers: 6, of which 1 local volunteer with ASD and 5 international volunteers