Long term volunteering project in Slovakia!

Location: Bratislava, Slovakia

Project name: Social media and/or International projects support in Slovak NGO

Hosting organization: Mladiinfo Slovensko

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Purpose of the project: young people 18-30 years old – ideally you are already in Slovakia or the situation with traveling will improve soon | Place: Bratislava, Slovakia, | Start: 1.9.2020 (or 1.10.2020) for 6 to 12 months | Activities: Helping project coordinators with Facebook/Instagram updates, video/photo from events, creating graphic materials, promotional materials, posters, infographic, contact with other volunteers in the town, helping with project writing and implementation, organizing events e.g. language conversation club, movie night, workshops on certain topics, discussions on different topics, presenting culture, country etc. Additional activities can be based on volunteer’s interests.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period  – 01/09/2020 to 31/07/2021 (11 months)

Deadline: 24th July 2020

How to apply? – Please get registration number and apply through YOUTH PORTAL

All costs are covered by European Solidarity Corps

 No participation fee! 

Language: English

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:

Free accommodation in a dormitory or flat in the city + 150 EUR/month food money +120 EUR/month pocket money + insurance + transport card.

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:

This project is ideal for a motivated, pro-active volunteer who is active on social media, likes taking photos, videos, organizing events, meeting new people. The project is also for those individuals who would like to get to know how to write their own projects, or realise their own ideas : ) Ideally, you are already in Slovakia or the situation with traveling will improve soon and you can arrive from your country.