Long term ESC project in Sweden!
Location: Sundsvall, Sweden
Project name: Creative leisure and cultural diversity
Hosting organization: Sundsvalls kommun
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Purpose of the project: Our project aims to, with the help of volunteers from other cultures, offer creative leisure engagements to the participants in our youth activities in the municipality of Sundsvall, that originates from their needs and interests. The basis for these activities is that everybody is welcome, regardless of ethnically and socioeconomic background, physical or psychological disability, religious outlook, gender, and sexual orientation. A solidarity approach will saturate all activities that the volunteers will participate in or operate themselves. In short terms, the project aims to increase all youth’s participation and engagement in their own leisure time on a local social level. In the long term, we expect the volunteers to influence the activities with their own experiences and knowledge from their respective countries, in order to strengthen the young people’s views on democracy and European citizenship. We think this will improve their ability to meet social challenges.
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Project period – 01/09/2020 to 01/09/2021 (1 year)
Deadline: 30th April 2020
How to apply? – Please get registration number, apply through YOUTH PORTAL and send your CV and Motivation letter to: ulviyya.asgarzade@sundsvall.se
All costs are covered by ESC
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
The volunteers are accommodated in a 4 room apartment, each having their own room and one room för common activities. The apartment is fully equipped with a kitchen and bathroom. The volunteer will get about 4100 SEK/month for food and private expenses. The volunteers can also eat occasionally in the venues they work in. Trips to and from Sundsvall, Sweden, in order to join the project, will be booked and paid for by the receiving organization. The volunteers are expected to participate in the pre-arrival and midterm seminar arranged by the NA.
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
The volunteer should, of course, have a big interest in people in general and particularly in young people. He/she should be interested in filming, organizing events, working with children with disabilities. At the same time, the volunteer should have a genuine interest in his/her own achieving in learning new things and to be a promoter for Erasmus+ program and youth policies in Europe. It is also an advantage for the volunteer, that he/she has knowledge and experience in some kind of arranging and organizing art or music events, is open-minded, ethically conscious and socially equipped.