Long term ESC project in France!
Location: Albi, France
Project name: Ready for Europe?
Hosting organization: EPL du Tarn
Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization
Purpose of the project: Several activities are offered to young volunteers on the campus: School and language support activity: the role of the volunteers will be to meet the specific needs of pupils with learning difficulties and to encourage the use of languages. They will provide support adapted to their skills. School support is provided by will be done on the basis of a voluntary approach by young people. Animation activity and student projects: the two ESC will be able to propose new activities or join existing projects (Radio club, Languages, environment, theatre, cultural or sports activities, intercultural evenings…) International cooperation: CES volunteers will be involved in supporting young people with an international mobility project (search for internships, volunteer projects, preparation of funding applications, linguistic and cultural preparation, European week).
Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)
Project period – 01/09/2020 to 30/06/2021 (10 months)
Deadline: 15th December 2019
How to apply? – Please get registration number and apply through YOUTH PORTAL
All costs are covered by ESC
No participation fee!
Language: English
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
Local transport: The host organisation will provide a bicycle (long-term “CYCLO” rental service from the Albi Town Hall) for the 10 months as well as a public transport pass to access the urban transport network, which serves the campus in particular. Accommodation : The host organisation provides a furnished T3 apartment with a kitchen and bathroom on campus where the two CES will be shared. This accommodation will be offered. Catering: The campus has a school restaurant where CES can eat free. Remuneration: Each volunteer will receive around 300 euros each month
Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:
The future volunteers will have to be fluent in English and Spanish. It is not necessary to have extensive international experience. ESC is an opportunity for a new experience. On the other hand, we would like volunteers motivated by animation and working with young people. A certain degree of autonomy will be required.