Long term ESC project in Sweden!

Location: Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

Project’s name: Together – working for integration and inclusion.

Hosting Organization: Örnsköldsviks kommun

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Purpose of the project: Firstly, the volunteer will be working with asylum seekers. Many already got their application denied and are in a process of appeal. The goal is to activate these individuals to help them feeling less frustrated and depressed. The volunteer will be encouraged in taking initiatives to new activities, to lead these activities or to assist in already existing activities. The work is based in various locations; both in rural areas with a high density of asylum seekers and in a support center in the city for those who got their application denied. Secondly, integration for immigrants who has a residency permit. These activities are taking place in community-type centers where the aim is to create an environment for people of all backgrounds to meet, to socialize and create networks. In the work for inclusion, partnerships are established with various actors in the civil society such as sports clubs and NGOs. The goal is to avoid segregation and increase cultural understanding.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period  – 01/10/2019 to 30/06/2020 (9 months) 

Deadline: 23th August 2019

How to apply? – Please get registration number and apply through the Youth Portal

All costs are covered by ESC

 No participation fee! 

Language: English

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:

Previous experience is a plus but most important is that you have a passion for working in this field. Since the you will be interacting with people in various activities it is required that you have good social skills. You should also have an interest in other countries, cultures and languages. You need to have a good level of English (or Swedish). If you have additional language skills in the languages which are prominent amongst the refugees, such as Arabic, Dari or Tigrinja, is a big plus but no requirement.

Accommodation, food and finance arrangements:

You will be accommodated in a fully equipped studio apartment, with your own kitchen and bathroom. Every month you will receive an allowance that covers food, transports and a little pocket money. Transport will be by local buses. All three volunteers will live in the same apartment building. ideas, etc. Volunteers are entitled to two days off per week (usually on Saturday and Sunday) as well as 2 extra days of vacation for every month of their voluntary work.