Long term ESC project in France!

Location: Laguépie, France

Project’s name: Volunteering in Citrus 2019

Hosting Organization: Citrus – Solidarités Jeunesses

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Purpose of the project: Volunteering is an exchange, a meeting, facilitated by someone who wants to offer his/her time, energy, and fresh perspective to a general interest project. Volunteerism is also a welcoming community that offers to the volunteer a valuable opportunity to learn, to experiment and to undergo personal development. Being a volunteer is not merely an activity, but a many faceted process brought about by our partner associations before, during and after the volunteer project is completed. At SJ, volunteering does not mean humanitarian aid, because we do not deal with emergency situations, but rather an intercultural exchange and apprenticeship. Voluntary service exists almost everywhere in the world and is a commitment which varies among different countries, cultures, and types of projects. Volunteering brings together diverse communities and separate entities, local associations, men, women, youths and local authorities.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period  – 01/09/2019 to 31/03/2021 (1 year) 

Deadline: 31th August 2019

How to apply? – Please get registration number and apply through the Youth Portal

All costs are covered by ESC

 No participation fee! 

Language: English

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:

There is no competencies required to participate but willingness to participate to the volunteering project and being open to discover new cultures.

Accommodation, food and finance arrangements:

As a volunteer you will share a house with other volunteers! It is of high importance to commit into daily life, as in a big house-share, because the house will look like its inhabitants, it’s your home sweet home for a few months! Sometimes you will have to share this house with young people hosted in the frame of our social hosting projects, so you can consider this house as your own shelter as well as a international hosting center where every people can come to enjoy a unique group experience.