Long term EVS project in France!

Location: Saint Brieuc, France

Name of project: EVS in Sacré Coeur High School – St Brieuc – Citizenship/Intercultural

Hosting Organization – Lycée Sacré Coeur

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization | www.csyo-az.org

Purpose of project: The volunteer will propose cultural and intercultural activities for high school students, will drive the actions of students in terms of international exposure and cross-cultural discovery may animating school life times in a foreign language, proposing discoveries, exhibitions, contacts with organizations that promote mobility, educate students on the European and international mobility, accompany the students in their search for international mobility solutions. It may also be linked to the foreign pupils in the school. A partnership with a youth center will also be implemented. The volunteering will be coordinated by the FDMJC22, coordinating EVS organisation. This is how, the volunteer will integrate a EVS volunteers network composed by a dozen of volunteers.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period: 01/10/2019 to 30/06/2020 (9 months)

Deadline: 30 May 2019

How to apply? – Please send your CV, Motivation and full contact details of sending organization to: eabiven@sacrecoeur22.com andevs@csyo-az.org. Please put in the subject of the email the name of the project.

Sending organisation

“Common Sense” Youth Organization

EI Ref: 2018-1-PL01-KA110-051718 / PIC: 947847141               

Address: 5th micro-district, Sumgait Youth House, AZ5007, Sumgait Azerbaijan

Name of the person in charge of: Ramiz Aliyev / +994503217290 / evs@csyo-az.org 

All costs are covered by ERASMUS+

No participation fee!

Language: English

Application conditions and requirements for volunteering:

The volunteer will be selected on his motivation to join the project, its ability to lead a group of students to be proactive and take initiative on cultural plans, international, to participate in a collective effort to bring together a youth group around a project that may (or may not) have driven himself. Its ability to help the linguistic and academic high school students will also be considered.

Additional information:

The Polyvalent High School Sacré-Cœur La Salle is a French school under association contract with the state. The project of the school is to offer each student the opportunity to build his path and become an adult, within defined frames and in a climate of trust and respect. The school has more than 1000 students. Currently, le Savré Coeur employs around 150 teachers and 45 non-teaching staff.