Long term European Voluntary Service project in Czech Republic!

Location: Brno, Czech Republic

Name of project: Siska Forest Kindergarten

Coordinator Organization – Luzanky – Centre of Leisure Time (SVC Luzanky)

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period  – 01/10/201931/08/2020 (11 months)

Deadline: 12 May 2019

How to apply? – Please your CV, motivation letter and completed questions (see below) to: evs.assistant@luzanky.cz and evs@csyo-az.org. Describe why you have chosen particularly this placement and what your expectations are. In the subject of the e-mail please write the name of the EVS placement you are applying for (Siska Forest Kindergarten).

If you are chosen to the second round of selection, be ready for a Skype interview. The results will be known hopefully until the end of May 2019. Kindly note only the volunteers selected for the second round will be informed about the results. Thank you for understanding!

Important note: Only CV and standard Motivation letter will not be accepted. you need answer questions which are below

All costs are covered by Erasmus+.

No participation fee!

Language: English

Description of the workplace: 

Siska Forest Kindergarten is a non-profit non-governmental association, established in 2012. Our main aims are supporting active and responsible parenthood and education of children, supporting families and working parents, running forest kindergarten, building space for common activities and public events, informing about forest kindergartens and environmental education. The main feature of the concept of forest kindergartens is that the children are the whole day outdoors, in the forest or in garden, no matter what the weather is.

Our main activities are

  • forest kindergarten – opened daily 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. from Monday till Friday during the school year (1st September – 30th June), there are 16 – 18 children aged 3 – 7;
  • activities for children and youth – regular afternoon courses for children during the school year;
  • one public event (festival with games) for children and their parents monthly –one afternoon during the weekend;
  • educational and experience events for public (mainly adults or families), environmental education – workshops and courses cca 1 afternoon during the weekend monthly;
  • 4 camps for kids during summer holidays (daily 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. from Monday till Friday), cca 20 children aged 3 – 6;

Volunteer in Siska will be working mainly as a pedagogue assistant (helping during common activities, accompany with them children in the forest, assist in regular courses for kids – music, arts, sports, handicraft etc. – according to their interest, during occasional events or summer camps). Volunteers will be also helping children while putting on clothes, dining etc. and may be asked to help with practical tasks connected with running the kindegarten – cooking, washing the dishes, cleaning and gardening. Volunteers will be supported to bring new ideas and organize own activities for children.

Volunteer´s activities

The working time is 35 hours weekly including the meetings, Czech language course and time for personal project (5 hours). Volunteer will have regular schedule.

Activities in Siska:

Morning programme in kindergarten consists of morning circle, common activity, snack, walk and games in the forest. After lunch, children having a rest in a ger, listen to a story or chat. Afternoons have the courses (every day a different one): music, painting, drama, sports, handicraft etc. A volunteer can choose which of them he/she prefers. Volunteers can also offer activities to the children according to their abilities and interests. This schedule changes during holiday seasons when we organize camps for children (and discuss with volunteer their participation specifically).

We are looking for a volunteer who is motivated to work with children outdoors, in touch with nature and natural conditions. Sometimes it may be difficult to stay outside when the weather is not good. Please be aware that because of the conditions (activities in garden and forest, presence of animals in kindergarten) the project is not suitable for people with allergies. Volunteer´s personal experience with outdoor activities, scouting, woodcraft etc is welcome. We will appreciate active volunteers willing to propose their own ideas and projects. This interest and motivation to work particularly in our project is the most important for us regardless the nationality, gender, language knowledge or personal skills.


  1. In forest kindergarten, we spend almost entire working time outside (in winter the temperature possibly might get up to -10), which for some people might be very challenging. How do you think you could manage it?
  2. Do you have any camping (woodcraft, scout) skills like making a fire, chopping a wood etc.? If yes, describe them.
  3. How would you solve a conflict between two children who are fighting over a toy in the sandbox? Please describe briefly how you could proceed in steps.
  4. What would you like to gain from your EVS?
  5. What area are you good at and you would like to share your knowledge and experience with others?

General description of EVS coordinated by Luzanky

There are 12 EVS volunteers working at different places on individual projects, meeting every week on common meetings with the coordinator and from time to time with all the colleagues to evaluate and plan the project. Luzanky hosts and coordinates EVS volunteers in other organizations (focused on environmental education, Roma minority, French culture etc.). So, all hosted and coordinated volunteers will meet during the project and can visit workplaces and events of each other. The special part of this year´s project will be visiting in smaller towns in South Moravian region, to cooperate with local organizations (leisure time centers, schools, libraries,…), meet the local community and promote EVS. Volunteers will spend 2 weeks working in the South Moravia.

The volunteers have 3 months Czech language course (60 minutes 2 times a week plus homework). At the beginning of the activity, they are working 5 hours a week together with the coordinator on tasks connected with their integration into Luzanky and presentation of their presence in our organization. Common trainings organized by Luzanky outside Brno are possible. After 3 months, volunteers can use these 5 hours weekly to make their own project. Volunteers can visit some of the courses and events organized by Luzanky for free (circus trainings for adults, ceramics, yoga etc.). The organization will host only volunteers older than 18 years old.

Days off and holidays: volunteers have 2 days a week free + 2 days per month of vacation. While working occasionally on weekends they have extra days off during the week.

Allowances: Volunteers get their pocket money and food allowance monthly (in the beginning of each month), they are provided with the card for Brno public transport.

Accommodation:Volunteers live in rented flats in single rooms. In the end of the project (July, August) there might be change of accommodation because of administrative reasons.