Short term European Solidarity Corps projects in Romania!

Location: Bacau, Romania

Name of the project: “Experiential Learning Festival”

Hosting Organization – Asociatia Copiii in Sanul Familiei

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization |

Purpose of the project: Through this project we are aiming (short-long term) to promoting volunteering and its benefits as well as Non-Formal Education as a tool for societal development, cohesion and solidarity organizing a large scale event/ festival: “Experiential Learning Forum”. The Festival is aimed at inviting all ESC volunteers and organizations, schools, universities, representatives of educational institutions, public bodies, companies, and every member of the public who is interested in discovering more of the benefits that are encompassed in the ESC program, and other related programmes like Erasmus+.

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteer for each project between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period  

  • 15th June – 12th August 2019(2 months)
  • 15th August- 8th October 2019 (2 months)

Deadline: 28 April 2019

How to apply? – Please fill the application, send your CV and code from ESC portal TO: CC:

Sending Organization: Common Sense Youth Organization

All costs are covered by ESC (European Solidarity Corps)

No participation fee!

Language: English

Financing of the project and Accommodation: Expenses are covered: accommodation for free, food allowance and pocket money, transport. We have super cool accommodation, a river to swim in, a forest to trek, hike, cycle. You will also reach the seaside at Vama Veche where you will do activities and have fun too.

for more details   please check the info pack

NOTE: Don’t take attention to the list of the countries we have the agreement with our partner that the will accept at least one participant from Azerbaijan.