Location: Poland

Name of project: EVS: Open Up

Hosting Organization – Stowarzyszenie Aktywnych Społecznie; Stowarzyszenie “Dorośli – Dzieciom”

Sending organization: “Common Sense” Youth Organization

Number of volunteers: 1 volunteers between 18-30 years old (Only Azerbaijani citizenship)

Project period: 1 year

Deadline: 31 March 2019

How to apply? APPLICATION

Sending Organization: Common Sense Youth Organization | www.csyo-az.org | evs@csyo-az.org

All costs are covered by Erasmus+.

No participation fee!

Language: English

Voluntary operation time and project activities: Working time is flexible. Volunteers will agree about the working hours with their coordinator.The amount of work should not exceed 36 hours per week.

Financing of the project: Each volunteer will be paid 120 € per month (pocket allowance + dinner). Charges for transportation, accommodation, electricity, water and internet will be covered by the Foundation.Sometimes meals are sent by the municipality and volunteers can get them free.

Volunteers with special needs: Unfortunately we do not have possibility to host volunteers with special needs at this time.

For more description please check  THIS DOCUMENT