organisation (hosting): Carpe Diem
Number of volunteers: 2
Location: Karlovac (Croatia)
Duration of the activity: 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2020 (12 months)
Main topics addressed by the project:
- Creativity and culture
- Youth
- EU citizenship, EU awareness and democracy
Tasks of the volunteers are:
- providing face-to-face and
online youth information (searching information about topics
related to young people, posting these information online, writing articles about it) - group youth information
(presentations or interactive workshops about topics related to
young people) - making short videos and leaflets (topics – mobility, diversity, creativity, art, etc.)
- implementing activities in the Youth Centre
- preparing outdoor cultural activities
- developing own activities and projects
Volunteers will work 30 hours per week (6 hours per day) from Monday to Friday
while weekends will be free. The work place is Youth Center Grabrik where the
office of Carpe Diem (hosting organization) is located and also where most of
our activities take place. Occasionally, some activities will happen in
Karlovac County. Volunteers will share a flat with another volunteer. The flat
has three rooms and it is equipped with all necessary
facilities (Internet, kitchen, bathroom, heating, hot water, furniture, linen,
dishes, etc.). There is around 5 minutes walking distance between the flat and
the Youth Centre where the activities will take place. Each month volunteers
will receive money for the food and additionally pocket money.
We are looking for young people aged 18-30 who are interested in youth work,
have good communication skills, who are independent in individual work but who
are also able to work in a team and willing to learn new things. They should
also be responsible, reliable, open- minded, friendly and tolerant. The level
of education and work experience is not important.
It is an advantage if the volunteers have knowledge and experience in making
short videos and graphic design but it’s not mandatory.
Carpe Diem is a non-governmental organisation founded in 2005. The aim of the
organisation is to encourage and develop creative and social potential of
children, youth and adults. We are located in central Croatia in the city of
Karlovac but we work throughout Karlovac County. We cooperate with
organisations from Karlovac, Karlovac County, Croatia and Europe. Our main
target group are young people aged 15-30. The main topics of our
activities are – non-formal education, youth information, leisure activities,
youth mobility and volunteering.
Our main projects are Youth Centre, Youth Information Centre, Volunteer Centre and youth mobility projects.
Centre is a place of non-formal education and leisure activities for young
Throughout the year we organise in the Youth Centre various activities – art
and creative workshops, art exhibitions, IT workshops, foreign languages
lessons, social and pedagogical workshops, job skills development workshops.
Through Youth Information Centre we provide to young people information about all issues related to young people (e.g. education, employment, health, culture, mobility). We are also Eurodesk multiplier for Karlovac County and thus we provide to young people in Karlovac County information about the opportunities for international mobility.
The aim
of our Volunteer Centre is to increase the number of volunteers, to increase
the number of organisations that provide volunteering activities and to connect
volunteers and organisations that receive volunteers. Throughout the year we
also organise several volunteer actions in the local
Through our mobility projects we aim to give opportunity to young people in our
local community to participate in various types of projects (e.g. youth
exchanges, training courses, EVS/ESS) which enables them to acquire skills and
knowledge in the European context.
Please send your CV and letter of motivation to and CC no later than 17/01/2019.
If you need any information about this project you can also write to
Preselected candidates will be contacted for the Skype interview.
All candidates will be contacted about the result of their application.
This project will be submitted on the 1st European Solidarity Corps deadline on 7 February 2019.